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1Aplication template Empty Aplication template Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:51 am



Games you play:
Steam username:
referal: (if someone refered you to the clan, or a website, or forum post, video, signature or mention of any kind, put it here.)

For example

Name: Darkfire002
Steam username: Darkfire002
Games you play: Minecraft, Garry's mod, Worms: Armagedon, In the prosess of downloading Team Fortress 2.
Aliases: None.
Referal: I created the clan, so would be the only one without this category.

We are currently working on a forum thread category or something, where each person may create a topic entitled with their name. and then have info about them.
Clan ranks eg.

Name: Darkfire002
Steam username: Darkfire002
Games I play: Minecraft, Garry's mod, Worms: Armagedon, In the prosess of downloading Team Fortress 2.
Aliases: None
Referal: I created this clan, so none Smile.
Ranks: Leader of clan, King, General.
Titles: King, Leader of the Military, general, my leige, My King, Your Magesty, (You know the titles of a king.) Titles are that that are the thing people could call you out of a show of respect.


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