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KoL Video.

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1KoL Video. Empty KoL Video. Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:47 am



Might make a category for video makers. Because making videos is great.

I thought it would be a great idea for a video for the clan to be made. A very high quality one. One that we can add to over time. I’ve made a topic here, we can discuss ideas and other things. Like who can record, what we should put in it. Things we might even be able to act out (because having someone follow a person around with a camera, for most people, might not see much stuff that would be useful)

Current ideas:

Videos from all of the servers we are in.
Places that must be recorded:

None currently. apply here. with a screenshot preferably.

recorded scenes.
Running a drill with the military.
A noble+ leading a bunch of people.
This one would take a few goes. and I might die doing it:
A person runs up to a Noble+ from behind with a diamond sword, hits me, I start to turn, but then, arrows come from 4 different directions from off screen and kill the person.
A bunch of people working together building something.
Tnt cannons that make fireworks?


2KoL Video. Empty Re: KoL Video. Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:07 pm


The New Guy

Hmm... Very ambitious. Tell me if you want me to be an actor in one of these scenes.

3KoL Video. Empty Re: KoL Video. Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:00 am



Yes, definately.


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