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 » The Kingdom » Guilds » Guilds


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1Guilds     Empty Guilds Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:01 am



Sir Advert, King Darkfire002 & Lord Sgt_Captain Create:

The Guild System
Hello, here is where we will discuss the upcoming Guild System idea for the server.

Those with permission can type here, and It will change for everyone Else also, So, let’s get started.

What is a guild?
A guild is basically a group of players, guilds can be created by anyone.

What can a guild do?
Guilds can challenge for a city’s leadership with another guild or clan. They could buy a city out, or obtain a city in another way. A guild is capable of having ownership/controlcontrol of a city/town/settlement etc.

What is the ranking system of a guild?
The ranking system can be created by the guild leader, Keeping it simple is often best. More ranks does not mean more players.

What can a guild be about?
A guild can be about almost anything. Any aim, any purpose. The right to deny the privilege of creating a guild is withheld. Such as a guild dedicated to griefing.

Guild/Clan Relationships

A guild may be a vassal to a clan. We only have Major clans in the Unnamed server, these clans will have a lot of power to take and build cities. To take over 50 cities may not be a challenge, just take it one at a time, but to maintain all 50 cities every day could be quite tedious. For a player to come to the server and have a city of his own would be quite hard, after all, there are many superpowers in the server. The way that both the guild and the clan benefits from this, is that the clan protects the guild if they are attacked, helps them, and watches over. The guild runs the city, most likely being left alone by the clan, and not ordered around. What the clan gets out of this, is another city under their own name. A larger area of influence, being larger themselves.
If you make a better guild, you will have a greater chance of getting a bigger, more powerful vassal clan. The more power full the vassal clan, the better off the guild is, it is safe under that clans name. A guild under the Civil People of Survival’s name would be a civil guild. While a guild that is a vassal to The Merchant’s Union , would most likely have a merchant element.

Guilds may go without being a vassal . Roughing it on their own may suit a guild’s play style.

Guilds will begin with PvP, no guild will be ready for the next stage streight away, after a week or so we will release the next stage. Where a guild may advance to the next level. There may be 3 levels. Clan’s can have multiple cities, but they also have a capital. Their Capital city is not available to be taken over and owned by another guild or clan. It will all ways be theirs.


2Guilds     Empty Re: Guilds Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:10 pm


The New Guy

Interesting. I may start an explorer guild or literature guild, but then again, I'm not much of a leader. XD

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