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Server PvP

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1Server PvP Empty Server PvP Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:47 pm



Hey folks,
Just curious as to what the game plan is for PvP on the KoL server or if it is still in the think tank stage. I saw some talk on the KoL thread of a new spawn point or possibly even a full map restart once it is "game time." I spoke with Dark about it briefly awhile back, discussing the possibilities of map backups prior to an all out war, or a more controlled "Build and Fight" game set in a predetermined field. That would just leave some more obscure PvP rules, like which "towns" are safe havens and so forth.

Here's hoping it's implemented come Halloween.

2Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:59 pm


The New Guy

I think a good structure would basically be wilderness PvP but cities and spawn are safe zones.

Clans can declare war but that doesn't mean all out griefing. The clans organize a large scale battle, whoever wins claim the land and if the losing clan still denies they can have more battles, or the victor can take it by force.

I guess we'll have to see what happens though.

3Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:26 pm



I think clans should be good sports, and put effort into a second city and then more cities after that.

I don't think a Clan's main city can't be taken from them, thats not exactualy fun for the clan, now having no home, and anything elce they build can be taken from them also.

Clans build other cities, and we can build cities together as a server. Once there are alot of other cities, we can war over them. Players that are not in a clan can band together and try and challange the clans.

Actualy, I think it wouldn't be a bad time to start that now.

There are a few things though. CPoS and KoL Share a Military. and our alliance is and allways has been strong. Especialy now that I'm filling in for Buster for a while. I thought of different war sorts, every man for himself, meaning all, don't kill your fellow clan members rules are out. Every clan for themself, but this is a problem for us, Militarys would be telling the civilians what to do, but we would be fighting our own military, in a fight where your soposed to have your own military, but fight others.

I also think that people won't like me winning and being server owner. I think there will be problems there, especialy if KoL dominates you all and we own everything, mwhahahahaha!


4Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:27 pm



If anything, a server reset once PvP is here would be wise. many places have, yes, very nice buildings, but seem to be jumbled, spread out, all that stuff.

If we go by cities that can be taken over, we should do ones that are actual "cites" or "towns". Having a few rows of small houses that can burn, with some other buildings, would make it fun to set fire to, and try and take it by force.

This also allows boarders that have become convoluted to be remade better, with more work into planning for war. (aka castles, walls, and such.) Also to have much of the random buildings, as stated, removed.

What of Role-Playing? Once PvP is up, I wouldn't mind being in some special position, like personal bodyguard to Dark and SGT. Razz

Last edited by TheWingMan on Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fun stuffs)

5Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:47 pm



That wouldn't exactualy be role playing, not completely I guess.

You actualy WOULD be our body guard, you wouldn't be pretending too be.


6Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:30 am


The New Guy

Id like to see the map made up of much smaller citys and towns each with a different look/feel to them. Shocked

7Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:20 am



Yes, It would be very nice...

I think that capital cities will remain big, and only get bigger.

The clocer your place to a capital city, might not be great.

If the capital expands....


8Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:22 am



meh, we could force the smaller cities to be suburbs Very Happy

9Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:24 am



Or taken down for resourses, raided and plundered, and then flattened, and cleared.


10Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:27 am



... for suburbs Very Happy

Although this does bring up the question of placement. How close is too close? Should we have one or two people who set up some kind system to where/how far away, people can build places?

11Server PvP Empty Re: Server PvP Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:21 am


The New Guy

I like the idea of roleplaying but not in the "you must speak like an English squire and tell us tales of your grand adventures" kind of way.

Just simple things like not building random sprite art in the server, or floating mansions with water for walls Neutral

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