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In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion]

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1In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] Empty In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:07 pm


The New Guy

I thought it might be interesting to talk about a few suggestions which, I believe, will make the server more enjoyable.

1. Street Names

Now the city is expanding and new roads are beginning to branch off. Street names and house numbers would make it easier for people to find your house. It would also add another layer of complexity to the already awesome city.

2. Lot Retention

I find it kind of annoying when I see this:

In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] S5tDI

Now I'm not sure what can be done about the current violations but prevention shouldn't be difficult.

3. Building Laws

This is just to maintain aesthetics, for instance I think the buildings should make sense:

In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] ImRWK
what is this, I don't even.

Now I know a lot of people like the idea of having air ships, but why not have something like a Hot air balloon made from wool [thus making an airship much more rare and exclusive].

Also buildings should generally obey gravity, except I will concede that a well built floating island looks awesome and should be allowed:

In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] OgUrw
Holy awesome that is cool

Feel free to add your own suggestions, these aren't serious requests just brainstorming, if you will.

Last edited by Bletzkarn on Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total



Yeah, There is alot of stuff I need to do Beltz, ALOT I have a word document to do list, and it's over 1 page long, and it isn't big text or anything. just alot of stuff I have to do.

The big road 11 wide, is called the Great northern road, other than that, things are done phoneticaly using the greek alphabet, I'll teach you how the road name system goes sometime.



The New Guy

Id like to see more trees/green stuff and the empty areas filled up with new buildings.

I like all the weird gravity defying buildings, they look interesting. Shocked

A maintenance crew to fix up older buildings and to tidy up unfinished stuff might be a nice idea also.


The New Guy

Yea I was going to apply to be maintenance and landscaper.

Fixing buildings, paths and clearing hovering trees.

As well as making the place look nicer.



a maitence crew... you just might be onto something...

To do list, meat your new dotpoint.



The New Guy

Darkfire002 wrote:a maitence crew... you just might be onto something...

To do list, meat your new dotpoint.

Haha, well yea while exploring I noticed there where a lot of floating trees which I hate ><

Also in the city you notice a block or 2 missing and I thought it would be fun to to go around with my specialized tools fixing up the joint.

Anyway if you do assemble a maintenance crew sign me up!


The New Guy

This is also a request. I want to help start this maintenance crew thing.

I modified the army skin and came up with this: Just realized this was the clan skin Razz might use my "casual" version if that's okay.

In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] EXydc

It think the colors are more simple, thus making the person look less important than an army recruit. Yet still having a "uniform" feel that can be related back to KoL.

Also the addition of a symbol to the chest would further divide the uniform into different laborers. I wont wear the skin unless it's accepted, just testing things out.

I don't want anything in return, other than to be recgonised as an official maintenance personal, or worker.


The New Guy

I will be doing the new citizen Uniform so any quick suggestions?
Right ow I am looking at a mauve tuxedo Very Happy



The New Guy

I do like the white and red combo, should probably be an even mix, with grey as the base colour.

I like the idea of working class outfits (slacks, boots) yet if you want to go as formal as a tux then go for it Razz



The Maitnence thing will be using the military uniform. Will be a certian part of the Military.



The New Guy

Finished, check the forums, might have to go back a page :/



The New Guy

For Military skins, I know there are the ranks, but what about branches of the Military. Navy, Marines, Maintenance, Army, and Scout. I think those would be pretty good. Can I modify the Military skin for Scout:
In Server Suggestions. [New Suggestion] Scout



We're not advancing in complication in the military just yet.



The New Guy

ok.... Crying or Very sad

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